Rich Countries: Paris Agreement

Peter Lysiak
3 min readMar 11, 2021

When the Trump administration took office in the United States, they were quick to pull out of the Paris Agreement. This was a move that was strongly criticized by U.S citizens as well as environmentalists around the world. Former President Trump’s reasoning was that it would put America at a permit disadvantage. This reasoning would be countered by the UN’s Executive Secretary on climate change, Christiana Figueres along with others.

This post will dive into the Paris Agreement some more along with clarity on why its important big countries like the United States participate.

Panic began to set in for the UNs Secretary-General Antonio Guterres as well for many people. The United States is a global powerhouse that had a big contribution with the Paris Agreement. Guterres was quoted saying “the way we are moving is a suicide” (Hertsgaard, 2020). The U.S. leaving the agreement reduced the chances of the UN hitting their goal to have net zero carbon emissions by 2050.

Luckily, leading up to the inauguration of President Joe Biden. António Guterres who was former prime minister of Portugal and currently the secretary-general of the United Nations. Got in contact with president elect Biden, Guterres was “excited to welcome the United States back into the Paris Agreement.” (Hertsgaard, 2020).This had to come as a relief to the secretary-general as it puts the UN back on track to reach its major goals for the Paris Agreement. António once said “there is no way we can solve the [climate] problem… without American leadership.” (Hertsgaard, 2020). This goes to show how cruel it is that big countries play their role in helping out the planet.

It is critical that the powerhouse countries on this planet participate in the Paris Agreement for multiple reasons. First and foremost, if these big countries are not on target to hit the goal of net zero carbon emissions then our planet will be in danger by 2050. So to keep things stable, safe and healthy, it is important that these major countries show leadership by staying on target and hitting checkmarks.

Another important reason the Paris Agreement needs these powerful rich countries is because they need to contribute for smaller countries. “rich countries must honor their obligation under the Paris Agreement to provide $100 billon a year to help developing countries limit their own pollution.” (Hertsgaard, 2020). Since climate change is a global issue, it is important that even smaller, poorer countries contribute in efforts of being at net zero carbon by 2050. Unfortunately these countries don’t have the money for the technologies to turn their energy sources around. This is why bigger countries have to step in with money, to help save our planet.

Although there may be some disadvantages of being a powerhouse country in the Paris Agreement. It is crucial that these countries step up to the plate and lend a hand for the greater good of humanity.

Hertsgaard, M. (2020,December 3). Humanity Faces Climate ‘Suicide’ if US Doesn’t Rejoin the Paris Deal: UN Chief. Medium.

